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You have a world inside

Lola Benvestio

As I discover my most listened to songs of the year 2024, a ritual of every year-end, it makes me tender to hear the music of the shows I did this year with my family, the House of Serenissima. 

Every music has its date, its show, its outfit, its make-up and a place. Each music brings memories: of rehearsals in my room, of make-up moments with my sisters and brothers, of the anxiety before going on stage. 

Now that I have left Venice (but a piece of my heart will always remain there), these memories are even more precious. Discovering Lola, my character, overwhelmed my life. 

I met her in May 2022, when House was delivered by our mothers. I was in a delicate period of my life, I needed to find myself, to overcome my blocks. Especially in my relationship with seduction, sensuality, but above all with myself. I arrived at Morion and said to my companions: "I don't really know what I want to do, but I think I would like to do a striptease! ". I had just learnt that word in Italian, that very day, by the way. The little French girl arrived in Venice, her hair just cut short, with a lot of imagination inside to share with the public. Lola was born. 

I could write about the crazy feeling I felt during the first group rehearsals. The look on the faces of those who were there, the surprise, my red cheeks and ass in the open air! I could talk about my debut, how desirable and powerful I felt, but most of all in getting this message across: if I did it, so can you! To all the people who feel too much or not enough, who think they cannot be desired, I tell you a secret that Lola and House taught me: you have a world inside. You have to let it shine. One way or another. 

I'll tell you another secret: in that debut period, I was making love to myself. I really discovered myself. I've carried these feelings inside me since that moment. Sometimes they are asleep, they are covered by other things, other priorities. But the trust and love I felt now make them a part of me, like my skin or my smile. 

During these two and a half years in the House I have tried, experienced, loved, laughed and cried. Above all, I have found a family. I have felt and still feel accepted as I am, in the most explosive and the most difficult moments. If you feel like (or perhaps need) to make your debut too, jump in, because a space like House is not (unfortunately) to be found everywhere. A family that accepts you as you are, respects you, pushes you and thanks to which you never feel lonely*. 

If you are part of our audience, continue to follow us, support us, come and see us. By doing so, you not only allow the Venetian queer drag scene (city and province) to exist and ✨slay✨, but you allow us, performers, to spread our messages of transfeminist struggle, support rights and bring even more glitter into this world. 

In France, same-sex marriage has been legal since 2013, there is a lot of media and institutional awareness of women's and queer issues. Not yet enough, discrimination is still strong, but we are still stronger. Living in Italy, in Veneto, discovering the problems linked to the history and traditions of this country, made me realise that nothing is taken for granted, that there is still a long way to go.

With crazy people like us, like House, I look forward to a more inclusive future for all, more social and environmental justice. 

Bisous, Lola 💋

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